Image illustrative de Beverly Hills, 90210
Image illustrative de Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills 90210

Brandon et Brenda Walsh viennent de quitter leur Minnesota natal pour emménager dans un luxueux quartier résidentiel de Los Angeles, le célèbre quartier de Beverly Hills. Les premiers jours sont difficiles au lycée, où ils doivent d'intégrer parmi des lycéens avec lesquels ils ont a priori peu de choses en ...

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Terminée Américaine, US 45 minutes
Drame, Soap, Drama, Family, Romance FOX (US), TF1, Fox 1990

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 3.15 - Épisode 15

The Kindness of Strangers

Brandon finds Jack Canner (the homeless vet he met at the beach club) rummaging through the dumpster behind the Peach Pit. He takes him home for Thanksgiving dinner, but Canner runs afoul of Jim, who accuses him of shirking his family responsibilities and hiding behind the flag. Brandon explains to Canner that Jim's father was a Marine; the two never spoke again after Jim refused to go to Vietnam. Canner helps repair a leaky roof, and Jim apologizes and urges him to reach out to his son. Jack McKay gets a furlough and spends Thanksgiving with Dylan. Jack insists on spending time with his girlfriend and gets on Dylan's case about dropping out. Jack's girlfriend, Christine, convinces Dylan to give his father another chance. Dylan returns to West Beverly and greets a surprised Brenda and Kelly with kisses. Steve and Samantha appear on a television show about celebrities, and Steve tells her on-camera that he has been expelled. Samantha stands up for Steve and gets his punishment reduced t

Diffusion originale : 25 novembre 1992

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Diffusion française : 25 novembre 1992
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Richard Lang
Scénariste.s : Jessica Klein , Steve Wasserman
Guest.s : Alece Pope , Clyde Kusatsu , David Sherrill , Melanie Smith , Michael David Edwards , Rick Lieberman , Denise Dowse , Josh Taylor , Joe E. Tata , Michael Edwards

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